We hired Tink to work with our highly anxious and reactive dog. Before we called her, we were nervous to have people over to the house or take him out because he was so reactive. He even bit a friend once (luckily didn’t break the skin). He had several years of intensive training, including 8 weeks of boot camp boarding school, which allowed us to control him better, but he was still reactive. He also had stopped going into his crate easily and would bark and whine during the night at times. He seemed to have anxiety. Tink worked with him for several sessions until eventually, he started to calm down. Now he gets into his crate again with no problem. He doesn’t bark or whine any more at night. And we are much more comfortable having people at the house because he ignores them and is calm. He is even willing to make friends with some people.
Cynthia, Redwood City, CA
Tink was able to help us tremendously with our cat Tilly. She was able to find the root of our cats issues and work with us to resolve them. After a few sessions with Tink, our cat was a changed animal. Our cat use to be aggressive and not very friendly. She wouldn’t even allow us to pick her up or hold her. Now our cat is very friendly, loves being pet and sleeps in the bed with us every night now. Thank you Tink!!!
Caitlyn, Belmont, CA
My daughter told me of a coach who was a pet therapist. I had never heard of that before; but since I had an “issue” with my shih tzu Bella, I asked for her phone number. After a few minutes on the phone, I felt very comfortable with Tink and her energy so I asked if she’d work on this issue over the phone.
Starting about 3 weeks ago, my nice, calm dog, started a new habit. Around 6:00 in the evening, when I sit down with my dinner in front of the TV…. She starts barking incessantly. She wont stop until she wears herself out (I miss the Dialogue on my show), she falls asleep for a while and then wakes up and starts barking all over again. This pattern goes on and off for about 3 hours and drives me nuts!
Tink resolved this issue for me over the phone! Of course our call was in the early afternoon and so the proof of the pudding would be about 6:00 pm. AMAZING!!!! No barking!!! She slept and woke up calmly and slept most of the evening…. No barking! The silence was so beautiful that I actually kept saying to myself “It’s miraculous!” I know those words sound strong, but it’s really true. I said it to myself a few times that night. It was such a nice quiet evening. Last night was night 2 and it was also a quiet evening with Bella acting like her old self. I don’t know what started this issue a few weeks back….. But I don’t care!
Tink solved the problem and believe me, I am saving her phone number for the future!!!
Marylou, Oceanside, CA
I highly recommend Pets Unleashed by Tink for help with your animals who may be experiencing depression, anxiety and other debilitating conditions. I contacted Tink in September, 2019, seeking help for my dog, Frankie, who seemed lethargic and despondent at the time. She also had a history of fear/dislike of small children and tiny dogs that I wanted to address. After working with Tink using the rRest technique, Frankie is now doing very well with happiness and confidence. She seems to have been assured that she is a beloved and valued member of the household. Her anxiety around small beings isn’t completely gone, but seems to have been reduced significantly. (She used to either bark angrily or, at best, run in the opposite direction. Now she pauses to raise one foot and look inquiringly, she might bark a little, but her reactions are not extreme.) One of the benefits of using this technique is that you gain insight not only into your pet’s state of mind and health, but also into your own state of mind concerning your pet. It felt like both aspects were healed through this work.
Pam, Worthington, OH
“Pepper always shied away from getting into our cars from side doors. Lifting him got to be too much as he grew (45lbs). After one session with Tink, the next time I asked him to get in the car, in he went! Now he has no problem getting into the car. Thanks Tink, for saving my back!”
Lisa Belmont CA
Halo has an upbringing unlike many dogs. She was raised by soldiers in very austere conditions in Afghanistan. Upon moving to the states, she encountered a few surprise attacks from dogs she knew as well as from some dogs who came out unexpectedly. This changed Halo’s trust in dogs, she shifted to being defensive around most dogs, even with little ones. Because we live in a high-rise condo and most of the dogs are smaller than her, I worried that Halo might react to them constantly barking at her. I didn’t want to be the owner with the bigger dog who hurt the little ones. Thankfully, Tink was going through the rREST practitioner certification course with me and Halo got to be the first dog Tink worked on.
First, we focused on Halo and her stress response to little dogs. Later that day, all the students took a walk on the beach and the ultimate unplanned test happened. A little dog came up from behind Halo and surprised her. While she didn’t love the unexpected visitor, she simply communicated that she didn’t want to play without reacting in a way that made me concerned over the safety of the curious unleased furry friend.
It’s been a year since Halo’s first rREST session. We encounter little dogs regularly at our condo and they love to bark at Halo. She ignores the majority of them. The staff and security guards witness this encounter often and compliment me on Halo’s ability to disregard them…I should tell them the compliments goto Tink! I’m confident had it not been for Tink and her desire to help animals remove their stressors, my walks with Halo through our condo lobby would be stressful. All dogs deserve some time with Tink. It’s in her nature to help and she is incredible at it!
Christy Lee Maxwell
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